Udimi Vs. TrafficForMe

We know you’re always looking for new ways to drive traffic and that’s a good thing.  While we want to be your top choice, we know diversification with traffic strategies is your best plan.

Let’s dig into how most people use solo ads: T4Me and Udimi.

What is Udimi?  Udimi is a solo ad marketplace that profits from sales of traffic inside of its infrastructure.  By providing a review system, they give the appearance of a curated setup.

What is TrafficForMe? We are more like a concierge providing you with protection and service you can’t get elsewhere.  We charge a touch more, vett every traffic-sender, and thus guarantee that any clicks you order from us are actual people who want what you have to offer.

Can Udimi work for you?  Of course, any real email traffic can work. Most people find that out of 10 providers on Udimi, they will find 2 or 3 good ones, 2 or 3 bad ones, and some just so-so results.

So, here’s the formula most likely to work on Udimi:  

  1. Depending on your budget, select 5 to 10 sellers that appear to have positive reviews and reasonable prices. 
  2. Write a new email message that will be used for all of your orders.
  3. Set up unique tracking links for each of the (5 – 10) orders. 
  4. Make sure that you can see how many optins as well as conversions come from each one with the above tracking link
  5. Buy the absolute minimum amount of clicks (usually 50) from each provider
  6. Pay the 5-10 providers, giving them their unique tracking link and the email you wrote in step 2.
  7. Wait till all of the  traffic providers  have delivered.
  8. Keep track of which providers have the best results  (sometimes just 1, sometimes more than 1). Best results should be a combination of opt-in rate, engagement, and sales.
  9. Wait a week or so before placing another order with the seemingly best providers to monitor engagement and refunds to make sure the quality was legitimate. .
  10. Place a larger order with the good quality provider every month or more frequently while continuing to track and watch for when the response drops.
  11. Start over at 1 and do it all again, keeping the good quality providers..

Can TrafficForMe work for you?  Of course, we can.

  1. Select the smallest package that meets your budget in your market (we serve Biz opp, Crypto, Personal Development, Survival, Health and Wellness, and Finance).
  2. Pay just one company (us) for any and all traffic provided (we call them publishers).
  3. For smaller orders, give us one tracking link where you can track conversions, for larger orders you can give 2 or 3 links and we will give them to different publishers.
  4. Monitor and measure.
  5. Reply to our request for how well it went for you.  We want to make sure you get what you expected from your order.
  6. Buy more anytime and repeat the process.

There are some obvious differences in the checklists above.  You may feel like our TrafficForMe list is biased, but that’s not true.  We designed our way to be better in as many ways as we could.


The Downfall of Solo Ad Sellers?

Greed can take over anyone who sells anything, but skeptical markets are more likely than others.  This is because murky markets are easier to rip off. As our founder has often been quoted, “this industry is where the uneducated meet the unethical, and sometimes it’s the same person.” So, you really do have to be careful or you’ll get ripped off without realizing it.

Something else we’ve witnessed is that solo ad sellers go bad often. Even the good ones. This is why you have to stay on top of your tracking. At T4Me, we do sometimes see this happen even with our most trusted publishers. When this happens, we immediately do what’s needed to make it right with the customer AND we have a 3-strike system with our publishers where they are warned, suspended, and eventually kicked off our service if violations continue.

This can happen by sheer neglect or it can happen because of greed. The temptation to send bot clicks (fake traffic) is always there.  It may start as a tiny percentage, but every fake lead you get is more profitable for the seller.

What begins as temptation becomes the sending of 50% or more fake leads so the seller can offer a “guaranteed” optin rate. (Yes, beware opt-in rates that are TOO HIGH, this is actually a red flag towards bots.)

Due to the nature of any email list/offer/market, it’s nearly impossible to make a promise of any kind of result.  Even if your freebie is perfect for a list, nobody can realistically predict the behavior of people.

People surprise us more often than not…

We’ve seen some awful stuff from solo ad sellers.  Circles of reviewers that give each other the ability to keep on selling bot traffic to unsuspecting customers like you.  Scammers sell clicks, never deliver, disappear, then return as someone else and do it again.  Hundreds of clicks delivered with zero optins (probably bots that didn’t follow directions) and so much more.

The risk is really high if you buy solo ads from a normal solo ad seller.

At TrafficForMe, we cost a little extra because we take that risk and make it minimal.  If there ever is an issue, we make it right.  

  1. Enforce consumption – The best thing you can do is provide value to your new prospects.  What happens if they don’t use the stuff you give them?  Nothing.  Make sure they use the free stuff you give away by sending an email or two selling them on benefits it provides them.

  2. Tell stories – When you want to get people to buy stuff, you want them to like you.  Tell them stories about your “coming up”.  Show them that you relate to where they are right now and have the path to take them from where they are to where you are.

  3. Make offers, but do it carefully – You have to sell stuff, but you’re probably doing it wrong (or at least the hard way).  Sell the next step.  Most of the offers you’re going to put in front of your prospects will be affiliate offers.  If that’s the case, convince them to look.  DO NOT TRY TO CONVINCE THEM TO BUY.  Let the sales materials (video or sales letter) do their job.  Provide value first, then pitch.  Roughly 1 in 4 or 5 emails should be to sell something.
  4. Use your autoresponder – Automate this process by building email sequences that are sent to every person who joins your list.  To do this right, you need offers that aren’t going to disappear after a week.  Focus on tools and infrastructure offers if you want to worry less about having to change offers out of your email sequence.  Ninja tip – Use a link tracker that allows you to swap links out easily.  If an offer goes away, swap out your link to send traffic to a new one.

The simple truth is that solo ads are a smart way to build your list and make some sales along the way.  Especially if you want to do it fast.  TrafficForMe is a better place for you to do it because we’re the only way to legitimately cut your risk to a level that’s fair to you as a consumer. We stand behind each and every click that is sent because we only work with publishers we trust.

If your landing page sucks, we’ll tell you.  You won’t find this anywhere else. When you submit your landing page, our sales support team will look at it and make sure they feel it is a proper fit for the traffic you purchased. If you attempt to drive our clicks to a place where it’s unlikely to work out in your favor, we’ll tell you. No solo provider will do that for you.

We actually match up your landing page to lists that have responded well to similar ones before.  No Udimi seller will do that.

Obviously, we think we have a better solution for you.  We’ve been doing this since 2013 – you don’t stay in business unless you’re truly a trusted resource.  If you haven’t tried our way, that’s something we invite you to do right now.